"Thoughtfully Bored"


"Thoughtfully Bored"



"Read, Comment, Subscribe."

  • Each of us is an individual member of a larger democratic society which cannot function as such without a higher degree of awareness concerning forces that shape our individual and collective identities.  DF_Ugly.Org is an attempt to raise that awareness, molecule by molecule.
  • As such, DF_Ugly.Org is interested in asking all the wrong questions with respect to subjects large and small.  Skepticism is the order of the day.  Not so much to nay say anything and everything, but to thoughtfully examine foregone conclusions that tacitly govern our everyday lives.  You are invited to participate.
  • Expect value judgements.  Nobody is neutral.  We are simply more or less aware, more or less honest, more or less invested.  Take a stand.  I certainly will.  Just do it thoughtfully, and if at all possible, in good prose.
  • Put it this way: If a space-faring ethnographer were to publish a book-length study on “Earthlings,” what would she have to say about us?

A Note on Content

          Everything on dfugly.org is driven by values.  Everything.  The person whose values do the driving is you, me or anyone who authors content on this site.  If you are not willing to lean on your values, if you are fearful of owning your values, if you can’t take having your values peacefully but at times energetically critiqued, then go away. 

          Although driven by values, dfugly.org is not a forum for the expression of gratuitously provocative or narcissistically grounded personal values.  Substantive commentary is what we are about.  If what you want is “attention,” I suggest you go start your own personal YouTube channel.

          There are three basic formats for contribution:

      • An “Essay” is a longer, reflective piece.  “Essays” can be both “scholarly” or “personal” with neither being encouraged or discouraged.  Nobody is asking you to be “right.”  Honesty, courage and sincerity are valued.  The assumption, as naive as it may seem, is that readers will read.  There is no such thing as TLDR when it comes to an “Essay.”
      • A “Reaction” is typically short, easily read and quite possibly less reflective than an “Essay.”  There is room here for a bit of intelligent rantiness.  Intelligent rantiness.
      • “Smart Shit” is exactly that: smart shit that anyone who values what dfugly.org values will find interesting, provocative, illuminating and worth sharing.  (There is a time and a place in this world for “dumb shit.”  It is not here.)